
Thank you for your interest in our school. Regarding to your e-mail on ……...
It is a pleasure of inviting you to the “Free Montessori Study for Parents on Nov 11, 2010. Refreshments will be served. The Study is entitled:-…..
“You Can’t Hurry Love! Homework and the Montessori Way”
What if there were a school…….that challenged your child according to his/her UNIQUE ABILITY…….SELF CONSTRUCTION…….
“……………the development of a complete human being, oriented to the environment, and adapted to his or her time, place and culture. …….”
Maria Montessori on goal of education
• Self construction is the idea that you can learn only if you do it by yourself.
• Development cannot be forced and is done by the child.
• The children must do it themselves.
• Humans must adapt to the environment and in adapting, self-constructs.
• It is the individual that constructs a life that is human.
Your attendance is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards

Free Study for Parents on Nov11,2010

Parent Education: Nov11, 2010 Time: 5-7 pm.
Registration: 5.00-5.15 pm. Take sheets.
1. YouTube presentation 5.15-5.35 pm.
Google Founders Talk Montessori (1.28 min)
What Children really get out from a Montessori Education (7.57 min)
2. Slide presentation (40 min) 5.35-6.15 pm.
“You can’t Hurry Love! Homework and the Montessori Way”
The Absorbent Mind
The Reasoning Mind
Montessori Approach
3. Class-room group discussion 6.15-7.00 pm.
(Refreshments available)